The first day of this three-day festival is Deipnon (also known as Hene kai Nea or Hekate's Deipnon). It is celebrated on the last day of each month which is also when the New Moon is. This is a day of closing out the month. Of finishing what you have been doing in preparation of the next month. It is also usually used to celebrate the Titan Hekate (who may historically have originally been a Thracian Goddess). At the start of the day (which was at sundown for the ancient Hellas, don't forget), there would be a supper held in Her honor. The food usually continued one or more of the following foods; leeks, eggs, cakes, fish, onions and garlic. A portion of this food would be set at a crossroads as an offering to Hekate Trioditis, Goddess of Crossroads, as well as any angry spirits that may be following her. This was also a time for purification. It was common for each member of the oikos (family/household) to touch a dog in order to transport any miasma on themselves to the dog before the dog was then slaughtered and sacrificed for the purification of this oikos. However, this would only be done if the oikos had truly fallen on unlucky or bad events during the month; this was not done as a monthly practice. This was also a time to clean and settle debts.
I personally began to fast on this day in order to purify myself. Fasting is not required but I felt, since I don't really abstain from food at all (I tend to indulge myself in good food a lot), it would be good to practice. Plus, it's only 3 days. It's also not as hard-core as the Islamic Ramadan (to those of you who do that; you have great willpower and I envy this). Currently I simply do not eat sweets and meat, but I hope to eventually use those three days to be completely vegan. That's a hope anyway. I also plan to use this day to pay back any money I borrowed from friends or pay back favors if I can.
The second day is called Noumenia. This the also the very first day of the next month. Traditionally, offerings were made to the Titan Selene as well as Apollon Noumenios, Hestia and Hermes. This is also the day the old kathiskos (a jar filling with bits of food-stuffs, olive oil and water as an offering to Zeus Kthesios), is cleaned out (it makes great compost if you have a garden of any kind and also is a symbolic exchange between yourself and the Theio) and a new one is created for the new month before being placed back once more at the family shrine for Zeus Kthesios (it was usually in the kitchen/pantry area). It was a day of new beginnings. A time for family, friends and to plan out the next month.
I unfortunately could not do too much but I WAS able to clean a bit around the house. I'm hoping next month to make a nice dinner for my family as well as make my first kathiskos possibly. Though I may he forced to wait until I am in my own place.
The third and final day is called Agathós Daímōn. This is the day when offerings were made to the Agathós Daímōn - the serpent household spirit - that brings about good fortune, wealth and honor to the oikos. This is the final action to start out the new month.
I personally cleaned a bit more (my room is such a mess I'm STILL not done!!) which caused me to take a very long nap and... well, miss this day. I feel kind of bad for doing so. However, at the start of the day (meaning in the evening of the 20th) I FINALLY found a bowl for my libations which makes me super happy. So, I do consider it a semi-successful day for at least finding something that will help me finally make offerings in a proper fashion.
Hopefully next month will be better.
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