Miasa is defined in the dictionary as "a highly unpleasant or unhealthy smell or vapor; an oppressive or unpleasant atmosphere that surrounds or emanates from something." However this is the modern definition. In ancient Greece, miasma meant pollution. More specifically, spiritual pollution. Allow me to explain. As you go about your day, you meet with people both familiar and unfamiliar. You chat and gossip. If you have a special someone you may spend some intimate time together. You may feel or experience negative emotions. Someone you know may suddenly pass or you are in the area when someone else is killed. Your mind may be preoccupied with an issue at home, work or internally and thus keeping your focus there. All of these causes miasma. By going about your day, simply being human, you gather this miasma.
Now, miasma is not "evil" or "sinful". But it makes you human. Too human for when you petition the Theio. When giving thanks to Them, you wish to be at your best; as calm and spiritually clean and centered as possible. However, miasma will prevent this.
So how do you get rid of miasma? With lustral water. Lustral water is simple to create; all you do is fill a bowl with water (traditionally form a pure spring but even tap water will do. Use what feels right). Then you take 1 or 2 leaves of verbena, olive or bay (or one of each) and set the dried herbs on fire. You the douse these herbs into the bowl of water and that's it. Some people also mix in a bit od sea water into the normal water before placing her burning herbs in. However, fi you can't get that easily there is no need to fear. Once the lustral water is made you wash your hands, face and arms (if you wish) with the water before drying off with a small hand towel and you are ready to begin your ritual, ceremony, prayer, etc. to the Theio.
As a small note, traditionally before worship some would bathe themselves fully before the lustral water. I personally take a shower before making and using the lustral water as well. It do this as a way to focus my mind to the task at hand; thanking the Theio for their blessings and their watch of my and my life. While it's not necessary, I find it helps me personally because my mind tends to always be working on 2-3 story ideas. Forcibly having a routine where I consciously calm my mind in peace has helped me greatly. It's also helped me fall asleep faster and my rest be more refreshing.
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