Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Direction of the Blog

So I've decided I'll change the blog direction a bit. I'm finding myself wanting to just chat about my daily experiences or thought about the Theoi so... I'll do that here, smattered with informative posts about my practice.

So yesterday was an interesting day. I had to run to the store to get some supplies while at work. I hate this kind of emergency. Reguardless, I went. I work kinda in the middle of no where. Okay, technically an exageration. It's currently a developing area but it's developing slowly so there's still lots of trees and setraches of housing development and nothing else. There's a Harris Teeter nearby (who knew!) so it was there that I found OPI's Dreaming of Geogria Green from their new Coca-Cola collaboration. this is really the only new color they released. This color and -more specifically the name - made me think of tumblr user Opalborn. She's a deep south girl and loves seeing the Theoi's connections to the modern world in the south specifically.

The color is a pretty, slightly silvered metallic green. It really does look like the coke glass bottles from the early 1900s. It really is those little things that spark my thoughts towards my Twins that I hold so dear. I really love Them as well as those moments.

Swatch of OPI's Dreaming of Geogria Green from PeachyPolish

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Quick Check-In and Excitment

Sorry about... more silence. I moved out finally and have my own place. So I'm both settling in and looking for employment. It looks like something might come to fruition soon so fingers crossed!!

During Mounikhia I wrote another hymn to Artemis in her Lunar aspect. I truly can't help myself when it comes to Her; my heart just burns with love and devotion and I can feel the Muse in me stirring. I've posted it below.

In a few days time it will also be the Thargelia festival; aka Apollon and Artemis' birthdays!!! I'm so excited I'm going to explode!! I'll be writing an epic of a hymn to Them as well as making two cakes for Them. Fun fact; the year I was born, I was actually born on the second day of the Thargelia meaning if we still used the Hellenic calendar I would be sharing a birthday with Apollon. So this makes this festival extra EXTRA special to me. I'll post more after the festival (and I'll hopefully be settled in finally).


Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Sorry to have been MIA. Some things happened and I'm still not used to having blog. Haven't had one since 2010.

Yesterday I went to the nearby archery range. I use the term "nearby" loosely by the way. I was a bit late thanks to traffic but was able to ask my questions and learn about the association that runs and uses the range. While I could not join right then (after all, I do not have any equipment and I lost my job so I have to save), I WAS able to shoot, borrowing the equipment from the very lady who gave the tour.

Another man who was a member gave me some pointers (read: basically a free lesson 0-0 ) and we found that I'm a pretty good shot. I haven't touched a boy in over a decade and back then I was using the bows for children to play with. But despite that I hit the ring just around the bull's eye. Almost every time. I must have shot 2 dozen times and I hit that area every time.

The range also was in the woods. The association works with the local conservation park and leases a small portion of their land to use for the range. I felt very calm there. I didn't worry about the time whatsoever. Even though my arms are weak and I have a slight bruise on my middle finger, I'm very happy. I could feel the Twins quietly watching and assessing me. Or rather, I felt it near the very end. It's hard to describe it; it's not a feeling of someone watching you like others have said (at least for me). It's almost like an intrinsic knowledge that seeps into your mind that They are there.

I'm planning once I have a job once more and cash flowing to buy what I need and go twice a month to honor Them. But also because I really do love it~! I plan to use a recursive bow (not a compound) and will probably paint it metallic silver with golden designs of arrows, butterflies and feathers.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Basics of Hellenismos: Miasma

Today I will be discussing one of the core principles upon which Hellenismos stands on; miasma. I will be detailing what it is, how it occurs, how to be rid of it and its purpose within the religion.


Saturday, February 21, 2015

Deipnon, Noumenia and Agathós Daímōn: The Transition from Month to Month in Hellenismos

Today marks the 3rd day of the month and thus signaling the end of the transition from one month to the next. The last day of the month and the first 2 days of the next month make up a special series of three days. A monthly festival - if you will - to celebrate the closing of one lunar cycle and the opening of the next. Each day symbolizes a different part of this transition. Today, I will explain this transition and what each day means and what is usually done on this day, as well as what I personally did due to my situational restriction.

The Hellenismos Day and Calendar

Probably the most interesting thing (to me at least) about ancient Hellas is the fact that their calendar not only is lunar based, but so are their days! Allow me to explain.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

An Introduction

Never the most interesting of posts, but it's important.

I've started this blog to both catalogue and share my interactions with the Theio. I am currently beginning my timid path into Hellenismos though I am still with slight Wicca leanings (namely the Wheel of the Year, though adapted to be towards the Theio).

A small background of myself; I have never been religious. I grew up Eastern Orthodox "technically" but in practice as an Agnostic Christian. I'm not going to say "it was so horrible and I HAD to leave" because it wasn't. It just... didn't click with me. Unlike many non-monotheistic practitioners, I've honestly had only positive experiences with individuals of monotheistic faiths (Except for one girl. However she was a hard-core Fundamentalist under the guise of Catholicism. Dealing with extremists in ANYTHING is never pleasant). It simply did not click with me is all and so for more or less all my short life I've simply had "faith" in a higher power and that's really it. No name, shape, form, etc.

Within the last 9 months or so, I've been drawn once more to the Greek mythos. Since 3rd grade, when I first learned of the Theio in class (though through the stories and a historical context, not as a religion) I was drawn to the Archers; Artemis and Apollo (though more leaning towards Artemis). While, in retrospect, both have shown signs of their interest in me all my life (with occasional instances of some of the other Theio such as Hermes and Aphrodite), I have not paid much heed. However, through recent events I may divulge later (I am unsure) I have realized that I wish to finally reciprocate the call of the Theio. And thus, this blog was born.

Please note that these will be my experiences, what I understand and have learned. I am human and thus flawed. I can be wrong and your experiences may be different than mine. If you feel what you read is ludicrous, that's fine. Feel free to click away. I simply wish for this blog to be a calm, neutral place where people can be educated, respectfully debate if they wish and to chronicle my life with the Theio finally in it.